Who we are? We are the pioneers in introducing and promoting psychophysiological instruments and services to people in India. We offer cutting edge non-invasive, therapeutic solutions for psychological and psychosomatic disorders along with peak performance training.
Our team comprises expert psychologists with 25+ years of experience.
We are a one-stop shop, complete in itself for a no-deadlock-professional-and-personal-life. For the first time in India, Gunjan Human Karigar Pvt. Ltd. is a unique organization that helps you make inroads to all intricate situations where you may be groping for the next right move because the human mind plays such peculiar games. All that you need to do is take that one crucial step of coming to us. And you will nothing but wonder, how simple it is to handle the human psyche – whether it is yours or of any one else you are required to deal with.
Why is the need? Are we missing something in our life? We exercise to keep our body fit; we meditate or do yoga to get rid of stress and to relax. Then even after doing that, why are we not able to cope up with the stress arising from the humdrum life. How many times do we feel happy in a day, how many times is our mind relaxed and stress free in a day? Why are we not able to efficiently balance our professional and personal life?
Time constraint, work pressure, and stress have become a part of our life. Often we ignore the side effects of this modern-stressful life. The end result of which is either we give up or our personal/professional life becomes vulnerable. Although there are many techniques to reduce stress, they are often not very effective when we actually encounter a stressful experience. The reason is very simple, which many people are not aware of yet.
Physical exercises help to keep our body fit, healthy, and calm, which is essential; however, we miss to exercise our brain. One can argue that there are many mental exercises that help us keep our mind sharp. Often we meet people who are physically fit and intelligent; however, they too experience stress. So what are we missing? Are we working on our emotional and psychological aspects of life?
A healthy lifestyle consists of:
Healthy body
Healthy mind
Healthy personality
It would be absolutely normal for you to seek our special services if you are looking for progress in career, happiness in relationships and confidence in just being yourself – no matter whatever your age group is, whichever walk of life you come from or however your life history has been. Some times there is a difference between what you feel you desire and what you actually want, what you do and what you can do, what you achieve and what you can achieve. To envision goals, take the right direction towards them and realize full potential is the dream of every parent and teacher attending growing children, every professional out of a B-school and every corporate executive maximizing on its human resource value. But opinions and criticisms of others and sometimes the wrong interpretation of our experiences in life take us away from our real selves. This is when GHK may guide you through its orientation and therapy programs.
What do we offer? We help you to achieve – healthy mind and healthy personality. Healthy mind and healthy personality will help you efficiently deal with the professional and personal life. We help you to achieve Work-Life-Balance.
Based on the years of experience and knowledge acquired in last 20+ years, we offer pertinent services. We offer our expertise in the field of:
In simple terms, we link the psychological aspects of your life with the physical, physiological, emotional, and professional aspects. By using diagnosis and assessment through psychometric tests and providing biofeedback and neurofeedback to counter psychological and personality problems we work towards your comprehensive mental wellbeing.
Our core services:
Psychometric tests
Peak achievement training
Stress management training
Biofeedback training
Neurofeedback training
Finishing school for to-be psychologists
We also offer:
Child guidance
Career counseling
Interview preparations
Personality development for management and IT
HR outsourcing
Placement screening
Psycho-input for the corporate sector
Behavioral stress management for individuals
Personality development
Super Achiever Peak Performance Solution
Key Team Peak Performance Solution
Organization Peak Performance Solution
Peak Performance Center Development Solution
Psychometric Assessment Solutions
Stress Management Solution
Recruitment Consulting Solution
Anti Attrition Solution
HR Management Solution
Who can benefit from our services? There are a myriad of applications of psychology and its related fields. Our trained industrial and clinical psychologists have been involved in the following sectors:
Corporate sector
Our services are for all the age groups:
• Children
Improve your child’s performance in academic and extra curricular areas
Improve your child’s concentration and focus
Channelize your child’s focus to his/her improvement
Improve your child’s attention span
Improve your child’s confidence level
Improve your child’s achievements (Is 99% in exam enough?)
Decrease your child’s hyperactive behavior
• Teenagers
Improve your child’s relation with the family members
Channelize your child’s focus and energy for productive work and improvement
Help your child look at the positive aspects of life
Prepare your child to be a good human being
Prepare your child to face the practical aspects for life after school age/ as an adult
• Adults
Learn to balance your personal and professional life
Explore your excellence and achieve more than your own pre-set limits – be a Super Achiever
Deal with stress positively
• Senior Citizens
Keep your brain young
Enjoy, relax, and have fun in your life
How do we work? Our transparent process consists of main three sessions.
1. Baseline session – A pre-session with the psychologist to scan the person’s requirement and
2. Training session – Consists of multiple sessions to train the trainee’s signals based on the data gathered from the Baseline session. This could be an individual session, a group session, or a combination of the two.
3. Follow-up session – This session is usually conducted after a month from the training to keep track of the improvement made by the trainee.

During the sessions, the trainee/client is made aware of his/her progress with valid statistical data. We use highly accurate, wireless, psychophysiological devices to measure the signals inside the brain and inside the body. For instance, if a person is stressed, our machines will record the data and exact signals that cause stress and its impact on the person. Based on the data, we provide counseling and training. The psychophysiological machines record the progress of the trainee.
We offer:
Personal sessions
Group sessions
A combination of the two
How you can be a part of us?
You can enjoy our services
You can become our partners and open your centers
You can purchase the instruments and practice on your own
Dr. Kanak Panday |
Dr. Kanak Panday is the founder of Gunjan Human Karigar and Maxcellence — Peak Performance Solutions. She is a trained psychologist having more than 23 years of experience as a behavioral psychological consultant with various reputed industrial and business concerns. She is trained and certified on EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) from the Hongkong Institute of EMDR. She is trained and certified in Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, and QEEG (Quantitative EEG) from USA. She is:
- an international affiliate of American Psychological Association (APA)
- member and a certified trainer of LMI international
- member of Indian Psychological Association
- member of Psycho-Linguistic Association of India
- member of International Society for Neuronal Regulation (ISNR)
- founder member of Indian Chapter of ISNR